Collaboration is the heart of resilience

Our partners and sponsors play a vital role in strengthening disaster preparedness and recovery efforts in Curry County. Together, we create a safer, more resilient community.

1. Featured Partners

Purpose: Showcase key partners and their contributions.


  • Partner Spotlights:

    • Add profiles for major partners, such as:

      • Local Tribes and Tribal organizations.

      • Curry County Emergency Management.

      • Local businesses (e.g., grocery stores, hardware stores).

      • Non-profits like Brookings Harbor Community Helpers or Wild Rivers Land Trust.

    • Each profile should include:

      • Logo or photo of the partner.

      • A brief description of their role in disaster management.

      • A “Learn More” button linking to their website or a dedicated partner page.


  • Grid layout with logos and clickable tiles for partner profiles.

2. Sponsorship Opportunities

Purpose: Attract new sponsors by detailing benefits and opportunities.


  • Why Sponsor CCCOAD?

    • "Your sponsorship directly supports disaster preparedness, response, and recovery efforts in Curry County, ensuring resources are available when our community needs them most."

  • Sponsorship Tiers:

    • Tier 1: Community Resilience Champion (e.g., $10,000+)

    • Tier 2: Preparedness Partner (e.g., $5,000–$9,999)

    • Tier 3: Local Hero Sponsor (e.g., $1,000–$4,999)

  • Recognition for Sponsors:

    • Prominent placement of logos on CCCOAD materials (website, newsletters, and events).

    • Shoutouts on social media.

    • Opportunities to co-host workshops or events.

Call-to-Action Button:

  • “Become a Sponsor Today” – Links to an application form or sponsorship contac.

3. Partner with CCCOAD

Purpose: Encourage local organizations to join as partners.


  • How to Partner:

    • Description of the types of partnerships CCCOAD seeks (e.g., resource sharing, volunteer coordination, program funding).

    • Examples of how organizations have contributed (e.g., providing shelter space, logistical support, or training resources).

  • Benefits of Partnership:

    • Collaboration on impactful community initiatives.

    • Networking opportunities with other organizations.

    • Recognition on CCCOAD platforms.

  • Call-to-Action:

    • “Join our growing network of partners and make a difference in Curry County!”


  • “Sign Up to Partner with Us”

4. Partner and Sponsor Directory

Purpose: Provide a complete list of CCCOAD’s collaborators.


  • Categories:

    • Tribal Governments and Organizations

    • Local Non-Profits

    • Emergency Services

    • Local Businesses

    • Educational Institutions

    • Faith-Based Organizations

  • Interactive Directory:

    • Partner/sponsor names, logos, and brief descriptions.

    • Search bar for easy navigation.

    • Filter by category or contribution type.

5. Success Stories

Purpose: Highlight how partnerships have positively impacted the community.


  • Feature 2–3 stories with photos and quotes from partners or community members.

    • Example: "Thanks to our partnership with Brookings Harbor Community Helpers, over 1,000 meals were distributed during the recent flood recovery efforts."

  • Include a carousel or slideshow for multiple stories.

6. Thank You Section

Purpose: Express gratitude to partners and sponsors.


  • Text:

    • “We extend our deepest gratitude to our partners and sponsors for their unwavering support. Your contributions make Curry County stronger, safer, and more resilient.”

  • Design:

    • A large collage of partner logos with a prominent “Thank You” message.

    • Include testimonials from community members or partner organizations.

Call-to-Action Section

“Ready to make a difference in Curry County? Partner or sponsor CCCOAD today and help us build a more resilient community.”
